Click Here To Get Help With Food Today
Help Applying for S.N.A.P. (Food Stamps)
If you need help applying for S.N.A.P./food stamps and other State benefits like Medicaid, T.A.N.F., Healthy Texas Women, Medicare Savings Program, C.H.I.P. and C.H.I.P. Perinatal, the Food Bank can help you through the application process over the phone, by computer, or by calling our hotline at 855-366-3401. You can send in your request for a telephone or on-site appointment using this link. We have implemented social distancing models and will see a limited number of clients at one time on-site at the Food Bank. Making an appointment in advance for an in-person meeting is vital.
Resources For You
Pantry times are subject to change. For questions, contact the number listed for your pantry, or reach out to the Central Texas Food Bank.
- List of places to get free food (Referral Guide) in English and Spanish
- Mobile Pantry Calendar forMarch and April
- For additional information on calendar changes and updates, call our hotline at 512-684-2559.
- Fresh Food For Families calendar for February
- Information about senior programs for those 60+ (H.O.P.E.) and 60+ (C.S.F.P.)
- Help with applying for food assistance (S.N.A.P.) - Please call our hotline at 855-366-3401 to request an appointment.
- Get Help 24/7 by dialing 2-1-1 or calling toll-free 877-541-7905. Multilingual assistance and TDD access are available.
To learn more about the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), your right to receive food, and what to expect when you visit a partner pantry, click here.
Your Right to Receive Food
When you get food from a Food Bank partner, you are entitled to these basic rights:
- to receive food and/or meals at no cost
- to NOT be required to participate in a religious event, or pay dues as a condition of receiving food
- to NOT be refused service or discriminated against based on your race, color, age, religion, national origin, disability, gender, sexual orientation or political affiliation
- to be treated with respect and dignity at all times
- to NOT be required to show proof of income, identification, citizenship, driver's license, social security card, birth certificate, or any other documentation
If you feel your rights have been violated, please contact us at 512-282-2111.
What to Expect When Visiting a Food Pantry, Food Distribution or Mobile Food Pantry
When you arrive, the agency representative will ask you to fill out a basic form to show that you live in the area and ask that you declare that you need help with food.
Consider bringing a food cart or several reusable bags to take your food to your final destination. Assistance may be limited. Be sure to ask how often you may visit or use services.
Many of our partners provide additional support services such as help paying for bills, job training, health services and help with transportation. You may be required to provide additional information to the agency to receive help.
Is the weather bad? Is it a holiday? Call our hotline to see if any of our food distributions are canceled: 512-684-2559.