Our Partners

We can only end hunger when we work together. Nonprofits large and small, public agencies and community groups invest their resources, time and talents to make our mission come to life. They amplify our ability to change the lives of those we serve

Partner Agencies

Our charitable partners are on the front lines of hunger relief, providing food and assistance at food pantries, kitchens, shelters and other community service sites across 21 Central Texas counties. The Food Bank’s roughly 260 Partner Agencies and mobile food pantry distributions provide over 600 programs including grocery, meal and other programs. Eighty-one percent of our Partner Agencies say that without support from us, their ability to serve clients would be in jeopardy. View a list of our Partner Agencies.

Program Partners

They align our programs with their services, developing the resources needed for a healthy community and enriching the quality of life of neighbors in need. View a list of our Program Partners.

State and National Partners

Bringing expertise, resources and funds from beyond Central Texas, our partners invest in our success.

Feeding America

Feeding America

Feeding America is the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity. Their mission is to feed America's hungry through a nationwide network of member food banks and engage our country in the fight to end hunger.

Feeding Texas

Feeding Texas

Feeding Texas, formerly known as the Texas Food Bank Network, is a statewide, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Their mission is to lead a unified effort for a hunger-free Texas.

The Texas Hunger Initiative

Texas Hunger Initiative

The Texas Hunger Initiative (THI) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, capacity building project through Baylor University's School of Social Work that seeks to develop and implement strategies to alleviate hunger through policy, education, community organizing, research and community development.

AmeriCorps VISTA


AmeriCorps members bring passion and perseverance where the need is greatest: to organizations that help eradicate poverty. AmeriCorps members serve as a catalyst for change, living and working alongside community members to meet our nation’s most pressing challenges and advance local solutions.

Business and Community Partners

Our partners come from a variety of industries, united in their commitment to a hunger-free community. They help us fulfill our mission by providing intelligence, volunteering as a group, donating truckloads of food and expanding our financial resources. Because of their investments, we are better at serving our community. View our major supporters in our Annual Report.

Junior League of Austin

Junior League of Austin

The Junior League of Austin is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

Hotjar - Unlimited insights from your web and mobile sites


Hotjar complements the data and insights we get from traditional web analytics tools like Google Analytics. It’s an industry-leading and easy-to-use service that combines analysis and feedback tools to help us understand the behavior of our website users.