Prep Time:
Cook Time
20 minutes
Serving Size
1 sandwich

8 slices whole grain bread
1 15-oz can of peaches, drained
8 slices low-fat cheddar cheese
8 cups baby spinach
4 teaspoons vegetable oil

- Heat 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil in a large non-stick skillet over medium heat.
- Place 2 slices of bread on the skillet and cook one side until browned. At the same time, wilt 2 cups of spinach on the side of the pan and remove once wilted.
- Flip slices of bread and layer one slice of cheese, wilted spinach, ½ cup of peaches, another slice of cheese and the remaining bread slice.
- Allow each side of the sandwich to brown before removing from skillet. Repeat steps for the remaining sandwiches.
Recipe modified by CHOICES Nutrition Education Program
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