Prep Time:
120 minutes
Cook Time
0 minutes
Serving Size
1 cup

1/3 cup long grain white rice
6 cups water, divided
1 cup unsweetened plain almond milk or low-fat milk
1/3 cup pitted medjool or deglet noor dates
1 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 cinnamon stick or 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- Soak rice in 2 cups very hot water for 2 hours. The rice should be soft but still very raw. Drain and add to a blender.
- Add 4 cups water, dates, vanilla, and the cinnamon stick to blender. Top with lid and coveer with a towel to ensure it does not splash. Blend for about 1 minute or until the mixture seems well combined.
- In two batches pour the mixture over a bowl or pitcher. Using cheesecloth, or a very thin towl strain the mixture until only pulp remains in the cloth, squeezing to get every last drop out.
- Stir in the almond milk and whisk. Chill and serve over Ice
Recipe modivied by CHOICES Nutritioin Education Program
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