Socially-conscious farm provides living wage jobs to help us end hunger

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We are excited to announce a new partnership with Heart of Gold Organics family farm to bring fresh, local produce to the families turning to us for help with their groceries. When you participate in the Farm Fresh Accessibility Project, you’ll help the farm operate their aquaponics greenhouse and provide living-wage jobs to the farm workers. One hundred percent of the food they grow comes directly to the Food Bank. Your donation works just like a CSA; you can sign up to donate monthly or annually.

Just imagine what it would mean to a family to know they can count on this reliable source of fresh fruits and vegetables provided by a caring neighbor like you. For as little as $35 a month, you can bring good jobs and good food to your community. Sign up here.

Thank you to Mike and Vanessa Torres of Heart of Gold Organics and the sponsors who helped to make this innovative donation campaign possible: Shooters Films and Benevida Health & Wellness Center.

