Nourishing Young Minds: Our Partnership with Foundation Communities


At the Central Texas Food Bank (CTFB), our mission extends beyond filling a plate today; we work to foster hope and create a stronger, healthier community. Since 1990, Foundation Communities has been a vital partner in our mission to end hunger, serving over 500 students across 15 Learning Centers in Austin and North Austin, spanning seven school districts. Together, we are committed to ensuring that these students have access to nutritious meals and a supportive learning environment.

Our collaboration with Foundation Communities began nearly two decades ago through our food pantries and has since evolved to include the provision of free meals. Each school day, over 350 students across 10 Learning Centers in Austin benefit from the nutritious meals we provide. During the Summer Program weeks, together we ensure these students receive free lunches and snacks, further contributing to their health and well-being.

The impact of our partnership is felt far beyond the food we provide. Foundation Communities’ Senior Programs Manager in Education, Isaac Rosales, shared, “as a person of the Latinx community, and one that grew up with economic challenges, the work I do in supporting staff being able to serve the students we do is invaluable to me as a person. Each day I am at any of our Learning Centers, I see myself represented in the students that we serve, and it gives me hope that our students are being shown care and support across all of our programs.”

Kids at Foundation Communiti9es

By providing nutritious meals, we create a foundation for these students' future success. They have a safe space to learn and grow, supported by strong academic programs and enriching activities.

Isaac, who has spent 18 years in the non-profit sector, emphasized the importance of our collaboration: “Out of all of the organizations I have had the pleasure to work alongside with during my 18 years in non-profits, the Central Texas Food Bank has undoubtedly been the most impactful and important partner I have had the pleasure of working with. From the hundreds of pounds of food I served as the Learning Center Manager at two of our communities, to the literally hundreds of nutritious meals our sites currently receive every day for our students, I could not ask for a better partner organization throughout the years.”

As we look to the future, our partnership with Foundation Communities remains a cornerstone of our strategy to support communities in need in Central Texas. Together, we are not just feeding students; we are nurturing dreams, supporting educational achievement, and fostering a community where every child has the opportunity to thrive.

We are committed to continuing this collaboration, knowing that with partners like Foundation Communities, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of the students we serve. The future is bright, and we look forward to many more years of nourishing young minds and fostering hope in Central Texas.

Interested in making an impact? Visit our website to see how you can get involved.