How Food Industry Partners Like Walmart Help Power the Central Texas Food Bank’s Mission


At the Central Texas Food Bank, our mission to nourish our neighbors and ensure equitable access to nutritious food is powered by the generosity and collaboration of our partners. Today, we are proud to spotlight an incredible contribution from Walmart, Tyson, and Bimbo Bakeries, who together donated 30,000 pounds of food to help us continue serving the Central Texas community. 

Walmart has long been a dedicated supporter of food security, contributing over 7 million pounds of food annually to the Central Texas Food Bank. This latest donation includes 15,000 pounds of lean protein from Tyson and 15,000 pounds of bread products from Bimbo Bakeries, providing essential components for the balanced, nutritious meals we distribute to families across the region. 

CTFB staff with Walmart, Tyson and Bimbo representatives

Partnership in Action: Strengthening Community Nourishment 

Our food industry partners play an integral role in ensuring nutritious food reaches our neighbors at the right time and in the right place. This donation comes at a pivotal moment, as many Central Texans continue to navigate food insecurity. By working with partners like Tyson and Bimbo Bakeries, we're able to provide a variety of fresh and wholesome food items that move through our distribution system, reaching neighbors in need via mobile food pantries and our network of community partners. 

Sari Vatske, President and CEO of the Central Texas Food Bank, shared, “The Central Texas Food Bank sees firsthand how food industry partners like Walmart, Tyson, and Bimbo Bakeries play a key role in nourishing our neighbors. Their contributions are an important part of our diverse food sourcing strategy, helping us ensure that families across Central Texas have reliable access to the nutritious food they need. Together, we are creating a more resilient food system—connecting our food-insecure neighbors with the resources to build stronger, healthier communities.” 

The Power of Community Support 

The ongoing support from partners like Walmart is crucial to building sustainable, long-term solutions to hunger. When businesses invest in our mission, they help nourish lives and foster stronger, healthier communities throughout Central Texas. Through these partnerships, we’re able to create real and lasting change by providing fresh, nutritious food to those who need it most. 

“Walmart is honored to serve as a vital link between food industry partners like Tyson and Bimbo Bakeries and organizations like the Central Texas Food Bank,” said a Walmart spokesperson. “By working together, we help ensure that nutritious, essential foods reach the hands of those who need them most. This partnership reflects our deep commitment to the well-being of the Central Texas community.” 

Building Stronger Communities—One Meal at a Time 

At the Central Texas Food Bank, we are guided by the belief that food is a basic human right, and no one in Central Texas should go without access to healthy meals. Support from community partners like Walmart allows us to continue this essential work, especially as we enter the holiday season—a time when food brings people together. 

This generous donation from Walmart, Tyson, and Bimbo Bakeries illustrates the power of collaboration in nourishing our neighbors. Together, we are building stronger communities, one meal at a time, and creating a brighter, more hopeful future for all.