The holidays are here and it seems like food drives are popping up everywhere. While it’s great to see the food drive donation pile get bigger and bigger, it may not make as big of an impact as you think.
While we appreciate all the help we get, consider making a monetary donation instead. Here are five reasons why donating money over food helps feed more families in need:
1. We can turn your monetary donations into more meals
The Food Bank partners with major retailers, manufacturers and farmers to get the most bang for your buck. You might be able to buy a few non-perishable goods with $10 at your local retail store, but thanks to our retail relationships and bulk purchasing power, we can turn a $10 donation into 40 meals.
2. This holiday season your donation will be matched!
When you make a monetary donation through December 31, your gift will be doubled by the Beaumont Foundation and a generous Austin family. That means your $10 donation will make twice the impact, providing not just 40, but 80 meals!
3. We can distribute food to families even faster
When canned food drive donations arrive at the Food Bank, it can take some time before the food is distributed to families in need. Food donations must first be inspected and sorted by volunteers before they can leave our warehouse. With monetary donations, we can buy food that is already packed, palletized and ready to leave our warehouse immediately.
4. Monetary donations help provide a variety of foods
Monetary donations give us the flexibility to purchase a variety of foods, including perishable and non-perishable food, to help our neighbors maintain a balanced diet. At our distributions, families can take home more than just pantry staples. They can take home grapes for their kiddos, fresh carrots and potatoes to make a stew for the cold winter days and even chicken, beef or pork to make their favorite dish.
5. Donations Support our Programs
At the Food Bank we strive to provide food choices for all stages of life, as well as help families make healthy choices. Thanks to our supporters, we can prepare healthy kids meals in our kitchen, provide nutrition and gardening education to our community, provide fresh-produce only distributions, distribute food specifically to meet seniors’ needs and much more. Learn more about our programs here.
How can you make the most impact?
Make a monetary donation! Get your community excited about fighting hunger and consider making a Facebook fundraiser or hosting a virtual food drive. Each monetary gift will be doubled to help share even more holiday meals.