Cooking Up Compassion: Dulari Gandhi’s Volunteer Experience at the Central Texas Food Bank


At the Central Texas Food Bank (CTFB), we are privileged to have an incredible group of volunteers who help us in our mission to end hunger in our community. Our kitchen volunteers are especially top of mind as they are an essential part of our summer meals program, they help prepare and provide meals for kids while school is out. Today, we want to shine a spotlight on one of our extraordinary kitchen volunteers, Dulari Gandhi.

"I've always believed in the power of giving back through volunteering. I have lived in Austin for 10 years, and while I've always lent my time to various organizations and events, I found myself looking for a consistent place to contribute," says Dulari.

Since 2022, Dulari has been a dedicated volunteer in the CTFB Kitchen, bringing her passion and energy to every shift. Her commitment and enthusiasm have made her a beloved member of our volunteer team.


Dulari describes her experience at the Food Bank: "The amazing group of people who work at the Food Bank have become a part of my community. It's a joy to spend time with people who are committed to making the world a better place."

The sense of community and camaraderie among the staff and volunteers is one of the many reasons Dulari loves volunteering here. The bonds she has formed with like minded individuals is one of the many aspects about volunteering at the Food Bank that keeps her coming back.

"Making time to volunteer can be hard sometimes. When I'm feeling like I need some extra motivation, I remember how good it feels at the end of every volunteer shift," Dulari shares. Volunteering, while rewarding, can sometimes be challenging to fit into a busy schedule. However, Dulari finds motivation in the sense of fulfillment and joy that comes from knowing she has made a difference.

Dulari appreciates the variety of tasks in the kitchen, from ingredient prep to light cooking to packaging meals. She highlights that "the one constant are the amazing people who are always there to offer guidance, a laugh, and a good time!"

"One of my favorite things about volunteering in the kitchen is that it can look different every time, and I learn new things about how the kitchen works every time I volunteer," she adds. This variety keeps the experience fresh and exciting, allowing Dulari to continually grow and learn.

Dulari offers valuable advice for those looking to get involved in their community: "If you are looking to get involved in your community, my best advice is to just start! Try a lot of different things and see what you enjoy and works in your schedule. I think a lot of people think that giving back has to look like a long-term commitment, but anything you do to help others is valuable. The best way to start is to just start."

Reflecting on the impact of the Central Texas Food Bank, Dulari says, "I think the true measurement of whether we live in a strong and healthy community is reflected in how we take care of our neighbors in need. It's important for me to play an active part in taking care of others."

She emphasizes the crucial role the Food Bank plays in the community, "the Central Texas Food Bank plays such an important role in our community. I'm so grateful for the donations, supporters, staff, and volunteers who make the Food Bank a vibrant place of community support."

Dulari's story is a testament to the power of volunteering and the profound impact it can have on both the individual and the community. We are incredibly grateful for her dedication and the positivity she brings to the CTFB Kitchen.

If you feel inspired by Dulari's story and want to make a difference in our community, we encourage you to join us at the Central Texas Food Bank for a volunteer shift. Whether you can give a little time or a lot, every bit helps in our fight against hunger. Together, we can create a stronger, healthier community for all.