News Archive

Sep 02

Hunger Heroes 2016

Thank you to our Hunger Heroes, Fox 7 Austin and the St. David's Foundation, for making an impact in hunger relief.

Sep 02

Montucky Cold Snacks and Half Step's Hops for Hunger Campaign

Montucky Cold Snacks and Half Step join to fight hunger during Hunger Action Month.

Aug 26

Our Partner Agency's New Cooler is a Game Changer

The Hutto Community Food Pantry’s efforts to submit their donation poundage reports to the Food Bank in a timely manner every week paid off when they received a grant for a new cooler.

Aug 18

Food Bank Provides Hope for Couple After They Suffer Setbacks

After living a life of adventure Patricia and Blaine suffer setbacks that make it hard to make ends meet. Thanks to the Food Bank, they're able to continue eating healthy.

Aug 10

Thank You, Kerbey Lane Cafe for Helping Us Fight Hunger!

From volunteering at the Food Bank to your Cakes and Cash Drive to raise money for the Food Bank, we couldn't be more thankful for your support to fight hunger!

Aug 09

Make Hunger Relief a Part of your Lasting Legacy

Without the support of our community, the new Food Bank wouldn't have been possible. You can still make hunger relief a part of your lasting legacy with the "Nourishing Lives Here" canstruction wall. 

Aug 05

Thank You for Helping Us Raise School Supplies!

Summer is a difficult time for families in need and buying school supplies makes it even tougher. Thank you for helping us make sure our children have everything they need to have a successful school year!

Aug 03

Our Platinum Partner Agencies Are...

Without the help of our Partner Agencies, we wouldn't be able to serve the 46,000 clients we help each week. Only six of our nearly 250 Partner Agencies have reached Platinum Level status. Find out what makes them so special!

Jul 29

New Summer Meal Site Helps Family in High-Need Area

With a large family to support, Gabriela and Jose rely on the new summer meal site at People's Community Clinic to help feed their children during the summer. 

Jul 28

Congratulations to our Volunteer of the Quarter!

Congratulations Oguz for getting selected as our Volunteer of the Quarter! We can't thank you enough for all your dedication to serve families in need! 
