News Archive

Aug 08

Food Bank Helps Family Through Summer and for Back-to-School

When Gabrielle stepped up to take care of her stepchildren, she turned to the Food Bank to ensure her family had healthy, nutritious food during the summer and to save money for back-to-school.

Aug 07

Food Bank Awards Capacity Grants to Partners

The Food Bank is able to fight hunger thanks to the help from our Partner Agencies. We're proud to award nearly $62,000 in grants to our top Partner Agencies through our ReThink Hunger initiative to help transform the way we fight hunger.

Jul 25

Food Bank Helps Family Stay Healthy

Jaymie's family has undergone drastic changes this summer. Thanks to the Food Bank, her family has nourishing meals to help them get through tough times.

Jul 06

Young Hunger Fighter Learns about Food Insecurity

Lee is a young hunger hero who has supported the Food Bank alongside his family. As part of his Boy Scout merit badge requirements, he is taking a closer look at the work the Food Bank does in the community.

Jul 03

Family Getting Fresh Start Turns to Food Bank

Shanaria's family is excited to get a get a fresh start, but summer has made it even more difficult for the family to get back on their feet.

Jul 02

Clients Receive Groceries in Nutrition Education Classes

 Thanks to a generous donor, for the first time, we have been able to provide the groceries clients need to make the recipes they learned in class at home. The impact can be seen beyond the classroom. 

Jun 12

Helping Father Provide for Kids During Summer

With school out for the summer, Curtis will finally be able spend quality time with his children. That also means he has to worry about putting breakfast, lunch and dinner on the table.

Jun 10

Saving the Potatoes at Johnson’s Backyard Garden

Johnson’s Backyard Garden had thousands of pounds of potatoes and not enough labor to harvest them. Thanks to our amazing volunteers, we were able to rescue the potatoes and put them in the hands of families in need.

Jun 10

Texas A&M Students Taking Action on Hunger

The Food Bank collaborated with Texas A&M University on the Hunger Free Texas Project to identify problems food pantries are facing and develop solutions to make in impact on hunger. 

May 21

Food Bank Expands Support for Older Adults

The Food Bank has introduced the Commodity Supplemental Food Program to provide additional support for older adults and ensure their nutritional needs are met.
